Roman & Sasha

Monday, October 23, 2006

New School Pictures!


Bible Essays on the Resurrection:

Bible Essay on the Resurrection

Roman Savchuk

(Роман Савчук)


There is much discussion throughout the world concerning the resurrection of the dead. I would like to tell you what the Bible says.

Jesus Christ died for our sins “in accordance with the Scriptures.” He was buried, but the third day he rose again. He went up into heaven. He is sitting on the right hand of God. He is coming again to judge the living and the dead.

People are preaching that Jesus has risen, but some say that we will not rise from the dead. If there is no resurrection, then Jesus did not go up into heaven. But if Jesus rose, then we also will rise.

If we believe in Jesus Christ only in this life, then we are not the happiest people. Then we do not believe in the resurrection and eternal life. We suffer for Jesus now, but we have no hope of life in heaven.

Because of Adam, death came. Because of Jesus, the resurrection comes. He must reign “until He has put all His enemies under His feet.” After that He will be King over all. The trumpet will sound and the dead will rise imperishable, and we shall be changed. “For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality.”

We know that the resurrection will take place. There will be a fair judgment day, and our plea in that day will be Jesus Christ. Our bodies will die, but we will have new resurrection bodies.

Not everyone will go to heaven. We know where we will go depending on how we live in this life. We need to think about this now while we are still alive.

Bible Essay on the Resurrection

Sasha Faryga


I would like to tell you why the fact of Jesus’ resurrection is very important to the life of a Christian. In writing this essay, I have taken information from John Calvin’s book, Truth for All Time. I have also used the Bible. In particular, I reviewed First Corinthians 15.

If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then the Christian could not count on anything. We would not be able to go to heaven, because we have sinned very much. We needed Jesus to die for our sins. If he did not rise from the dead, people would not believe any of this.

But he did rise from the dead. Nothing could hold him in death. When he rose from the dead he appeared to his disciples and 500 other men. The resurrection is true because he visited these men and they wrote about it.

What difference does it make to us whether or not Jesus rose from the dead? Because of his resurrection, we will go to heaven too. Also, even now we have a new life in our souls. We will also have a resurrection of our bodies one day. This will happen when Jesus comes back.

If there was no resurrection then there would be no reason for us to be here. We would all be dead because of our sin.

People who worship God will go to heaven, and those who have not will be punished. Through Jesus we will have resurrection bodies. In heaven we will be filled with joy, power, and happiness.

People who do not glorify God will have immortal death. They will not have joy, power, or happiness.

The fact of Jesus resurrection is very important to the life of a Christian.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Our work day...

Dressed for school...

Ukrainian Cousins in America...

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Party after the first day of school...

Roman and Sasha at the ocean...